Luid en duidelijk presenteerdt de nieuwe president zijn wensen, bijvoorbeeld op het gebied van milieu en energie; de millenium doelstelling over armoede moet worden gehaald
5 miljoen nieuwe banen in de komende 10 door '$150 billion' te investeren om private ondernemingen te steunen die een schoen toekomst nastreven
Binnen 10 jaar meer olie besparen dan dat ze op dit moment importeren vanuit het midden oosten en Venezuela.
1 million Plug-In Hybrid cars -- cars that can get up to 150 miles per gallon -- op de weg in 2015, natuurlijk gebouwd in amerika
- Het verminderen van ' greenhouse gas emissions' met 80 percent in 2050.
- 10 perfect van electricteit is "schoon' in 2012 en 25% in 2025
- de VS wordt een leider in de bestreiding van de van klimaatverandering
Er zitten vast addertjes onder het gras.....maar now is the time!
Wel grappig om te lezen, bijvoorbeeld het standpunt over sportmannen...wie heeft er gelobbyed?
President Obama did not grow up hunting and fishing, but he recognizes the great conservation legacy of America's hunters and anglers and has great respect for the passion that hunters and anglers have for their sports. Were it not for America's hunters and anglers, including the great icons like Theodore Roosevelt and Aldo Leopold, our nation would not have the tradition of sound game management, a system of ethical, science-based game laws
President Obama did not grow up hunting and fishing, but he recognizes the great conservation legacy of America's hunters and anglers and has great respect for the passion that hunters and anglers have for their sports. Were it not for America's hunters and anglers, including the great icons like Theodore Roosevelt and Aldo Leopold, our nation would not have the tradition of sound game management, a system of ethical, science-based game laws
and an extensive public lands estate on which to pursue the sport. The President and Vice President recognize that we must forge a broad coalition if we are to address the great conservation challenges we face. America's hunters and anglers are a key constituency that must take an active role and have a powerful voice in this coalition.
Zit er nog iets goeds bij voor het nieuwe verkiezingsprogramma Zeeburg/Oost-Watergraafsmeer?
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